Daeho Kalbijjim Beef Soup delivery

Daeho Kalbijjim Beef Soup

213 2nd Avenue, San Mateo, United States Of America

🛍 Korean, Soup, Meat

4.9 💬597 Reviews

Order online food from Daeho Kalbijjim Beef Soup

In the bustling streets of 213 2nd Avenue, San Mateo, United States Of America, Daeho Kalbijjim Beef Soup stands as a culinary lighthouse with a 4.9 rating. Our 580 reviews showcase our devotion to offering a high-end dining experience. Treat yourself to a flavorful dining experience! Daeho Kalbijjim Beef Soup dining spot offers a tantalizing menu featuring a diverse array of mouthwatering choices. Dial +16503896689 to order food for delivery and savor the flavors at home.



Isaac Boyle
Isaac Boyle

Recommend the extra large braised short rib!

Full menu 34 options

Do you have any questions? Just call +16503896689. Order your lunch or dinner now at Daeho Kalbijjim Beef Soup, quick, easy, online! Whether for a company party, or your birthday, guaranteed freshly prepared and delivered by the home delivery service of Daeho Kalbijjim Beef Soup from San Mateo.


Sadye Fay
Sadye Fay

My comfort food!! It hit the spot and was so fulfilling. Ate between 2 people and had enough leftovers for another 2-3 people. The packaging for togo was very sturdy and reliable, and the quality of food was very similar to having it in the restaurant.

Mrs. Daphnee Kovacek
Mrs. Daphnee Kovacek

Really like this rest but im frustrated with the inconsistency with their yukgaejang. It can be normal and then too thick and overly beefy to a point where you feel like youre eating the bottom of a stew pot. Paying $88 for two soups and some feeling unsati is not a good feeling. When it hits, it hits. When it doeant , it hurts.

Vivienne Spinka
Vivienne Spinka

I ordered the 16. Beef Rib Soup this is my new fav spot for Korean food. Everything was well packaged and sealed and the food was soooo fresh and yummy. Will definitely be ordering again

Brandyn Mante
Brandyn Mante

Meat quality very good, nice packaging. Would eat again

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